Wednesday, January 5, 2011

cleaning house's been awhile. Remember that cold etc that I had last fall? Well, it turned out to be pneumonia and a  sinus infection, and the combo of the two laid me out for pretty much the rest of the year.

Nuff said. It's January, and I am more or less back in action - being super sick was fabulous for weight loss, although I admit to getting carried away and ate most of it back over the holidays, oh well.

Another thing being super sick did for me was what it seems to do for many folks - made me appreciate my good health when it started to return. I want to hang on to that feeling. I want to take better care of myself, without living in fear of becoming unwell again. I want to live more in the now, and still protect myself for the future.

How exactly do I do this? Well, in New Year's resolution fashion, I have set out a plan to clear away anything in my life and my home that isn't working. I'm talking anything from relationships to hairdryers. If  it's busted, it's outa here. If I can fix it with a minimum of energy and/or cost expended, then okay, it can stay. But otherwise, it will be purged from my world. It's about cleansing my life, and myself. Reducing the wear and tear on my existence, clearing the path of my journey, whatever. Too many apps running wears out the battery, so to speak. Or something like that.

And hopefully while I am cleaning out the closets, I will manage to clean out my mind and my soul a little too. See myself more clearly once the clutter of life up till now is sorted out and put to rest. If organizing your home can make it run more efficiently, enable you to find what you want, and  allow you to have space for the things you enjoy, then I'm hoping the same principle can be applied to my life, for my self.

I will keep you posted!

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