Monday, March 7, 2011

C'Mon Get Happy

It must be because I watched Celebrity Apprentice last night. No, Donald Trump doesn't exactly make me happy, although I admit that I laugh every time I see his hair. It's a new season and one of the new apprentices happens to be David Cassidy. You know, of The Partridge Family? Hence the title of this post. Anyway, poor David is apparently not meant to succeed in the cut throat world of Mr. Trump's reality show, as he got fired at the end of last night's episode. But I got up this morning, and it was a beautiful clear sunny day, and as I was making the coffee I realized I was humming a little Partridge Family tune. Not such a bad thing. If fact, I'm feeling pretty sure that it was a major help in my keeping my sanity so far on this Monday morning. It was pretty typical around here, a couple of the girls dragging their feet, another doing last minute homework that they assured me was done every time I asked over the weekend. But it wasn't bringing me down. I was feeling pretty triumphant when we arrived at school, just in time, and as we got out, one of the girls water bottles fell out and rolled under the car. I told them to go on in and I would bring it after I retrieved it. As I walked around to the other side of the car, I saw to my surprise that one of my back tires was completely flat. Completely. As in could not have been any flatter. Huh. First things first though. I carried on and was crawling around in an attempt to reach the water bottle when I heard a bemused voice ask if needed some help. I looked up to see my brother in law watching me - his kids go to the same school as mine - so I said, sure! As he was crawling around trying to reach the elusive bottle he said something like this is a good way to start your day, and I laughed and said yeah, and I also have a flat tire too. So after he managed to grab the bottle, he then gallantly proceeded to dig out my spare and change my tire, which was really nice. Only slight problem was that the spare was almost as flat as the original. But I knew of a tire place just a few blocks away, so I figured I'd give it a try and headed off very very slowly on my funny little flat spare. I was certainly not popular with the traffic behind me by the time I made it to the tire man, but made it I did, driving practically on my rim by this time. However, it turned out that the tire man wasn't there. His father was manning the desk and told me his son had to go take one of his kids to the doctor...that sounds all too familiar! But he told me to just leave my car and they'd fix it when he got back and call me. So I handed over my key, and grabbed my coffee mug that I had fortuitously remembered to fill and bring with me, and started the walk back home. It was a little dusty as they are doing a serious amount of work down the hill from the road, getting ready to put a new highway by the river that will get the truck traffic out of our little neighborhood that has built up over the years. But regardless, it was a great morning for a walk. And now it's time for another one, as the tire man just called me to say he's back and my car is all good to go. And I have a feeling that I will be humming a little retro tune in my head all the way there, and that's just fine by me. Sorry you got fired last night Mr. Cassidy, but thanks for helping to keep me smiling this Monday morning!!

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