Thursday, March 3, 2011

Robbed of sleep

Well, after yesterday's debacle of being robbed, I am now feeling definitely robbed of sleep. The police came and poked around, we called the alarm company and arranged for someone to come and see about setting up perimeter night vision cameras and so on, and then we locked everything up, set all the alarms and went to bed. All the while trying to pretend for the kids' sake that everything was normal - don't need to send them into panic mode too. Of course both my husband and I were awake most of the night I think. He was up prowling around with a baseball bat every time he even imagined he heard a noise. Meanwhile I was lying in bed most of the night trapped between him and our daughter Kate, who has the flu and wanted to sleep with me yet again, alternately being terrified that she was going to vomit on me, or that the snoring from both her and my husband would prevent me from hearing the sounds of yet another assault on our property. This morning I sit here sucking back coffee, trying to get my bleary head around all the upcoming appointments and events in the next few days. Meetings with the alarm company, the police, someone who hopefully wants to buy our little Audi, soccer practice, soccer team party, soccer jamboree, picking up my nieces along with my own kids at school, oh, and a play date for the twins. Also must remember to get quotes for house insurance that is due this month, return a birthday gift that the recipient already had and get replacement gift, and pick up a gift for one of my nieces whose birthday I have already missed. What else? Right, make sure everyone is fed and clothed in something that will pass for clean. And take care of my sick kid too, which will make the shopping portions of my to do list somewhat difficult. Guess those just may not get done. When all else fails, blame it on a sick kid. That works. I can blame my messy minivan on the thieves who rifled through it the other night, even though sadly I wouldn't probably have even noticed anything unusual in there other than my glove compartment being open. As for the rest of the list, I will make some phone calls, write it all down on the calendar, throw in a load of laundry, cross my fingers and hope for the best. First I definitely need more coffee...

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