Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the Oscars 2011

Is it just me, or was there a real lack of glamour at the Academy Awards this year? The whole show just seemed very unremarkable. I couldn't figure out what was missing at first, and then when I realized how thrilled I was at seeing Warren Beatty and Annette Bening, well, I asked myself, where are all the other MOVIE STARS? Okay, for those of you who don't know, yes, I had a huge crush on Warren Beatty when I was about 13. I even had a poster of him from Heaven Can Wait on my bedroom wall. What can I say? I had particular tastes, even then. But really. Other than an appearance by Kirk Douglas which I thought was pretty much the most entertaining presentation all night, where were all the other big stars? I'm talking the Meryl Streeps, the Jack Nicholsons, the Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt. You know who I'm talking about. The MOVIE STARS. Isn't that why we watch the show in the first place? I don't want to sit for 3 hours listening to people who act like humble, hardworking joes just doing a job. What is the point of the movies at all if not for the thrill of escape from reality???? Please. Give me your over the top actors every time, at least on that night of nights. It's supposed to be all about the glamour, the scandals, the gossip, offensive self indulgent speeches that drag on and on, never ending movie montages set to swelling movie scores, some outrageous choices of dress, and some DRAMA, am I right?? Ho hum, I have to conclude that it was indeed a very boring, beige event. Maybe next year they should just computer graphically insert some of the old hosts and presenters into the proceedings. Inject some life into the whole thing. At least invite some MOVIE STARS to come, for gods sake. Did they all take the night off to watch the show at home in their jammies? Booo.
Anyway, that's my take on this years Oscars. Next year, less humble mumblings, and more glitz and glamour please. Pass the popcorn.

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