Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stop thief

Why do people take things that don't belong to them? Isn't that one of the first things we try to teach a child? How many of you out there got busted as a little kid stealing a candy  or a toy that Mom discovered when you got home from the store? I bet lots. It happened in my family - my little sister and brother got itchy fingers while grocery shopping with Mom and each helped themselves to a candy from the bulk bin. Mom spotted them after they were home, and back they all went to the store, and the kids had to give back the candy and say sorry to the store manager. Lesson learned. So obviously there must be a whole whack of people out there who either missed out on that lesson as kids, or for some reason it just didn't mean a damn thing to them. Because for the second time in a year, we were robbed last night. Someone came onto our property, which is quite private, and helped themselves to some things in our carport. Yes, I know. We shouldn't leave anything in the open, not locked up, and you'd think we'd really have learned that the hard way already, since it's happened once before not long ago. I guess I will blame the part of me that despite this second theft of my stuff still has a hard time believing that there really are bad guys out there, and obviously way to close to home. We live in a nice neighborhood, but why would I think that would put off would be thieves? "oh these folks all seem so nice and have such nice homes, let's not rob THEM..." and off they go to steal from who, the people who don't have anything? Again, I know, only myself to blame. Plus there is a ton of major construction going on as a new road is being built, so lots of people around who don't live here. Again, yet another reason for us to be more careful. And so we will be. We'll be locking things up extra tight from now on. But I still struggle with it, because it sucks that I have live like that, worry about my home, and the safety of my kids, all because there are people out there who have no respect for others, who didn't learn that it's not right to take from other people, and who don't give a shit.
Ah well. Keep calm and carry on, right? Maybe next time there will be nothing out for the thief to take except my husband's ancient smelly beast of a cadillac - oh sorry, I mean his special car. One can always hope...

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