Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The first day of the rest of my life...?

So today it's official, all three of my children are in school all day long, 5 days a week. And yes, you may ask, what am I doing with my precious, hard earned time? I started by reading my horoscope, which seemed incredibly and magically appropriate to today's atmosphere. Then I realized I had read Aries horoscope, and I am a Taurus. My real horoscope was much more garbled and vague as horoscopes usually are, and ended by asking me how I express myself creatively. Well, I thought I must express myself creatively all the time right? After some soul searching I was forced to admit to myself that retelling stories about the latest weird incident in my personal life to other moms on the playground probably doesn't count. Okay. So I figure writing definitely counts as a form of creative expression - I'll start a blog and then I will have an amazing answer for all those people who are going to or have already asked me what I am going to do with all my free time now!! For those who don't know me, until recently I was employed outside the home as a lover/seller of books. However, I am now a full time housewife, ready and waiting to be at my family's beck and call....really, did I just say that??
So here I am, taking the plunge into the virtual world of cyber writing, or whatever it is. Why the name hysterical housewife? Come on. While I'm sure there were other mommies at the school this morning tearfully dropping off their little ones, I will be totally honest and say that I was seriously trying to figure out how many drinks one could have and still have one's blood alcohol level back down to normal again by 3pm pick up time...hypothetically speaking of course.
All in all, I have to say us real housewives are a fascinating and shall we say, layered bunch? As in, there is definitely more than meets the eye. And since I have decided to embrace my housewifeyness (not sure if that's a word) I think it's time to venture boldly forth on a journey deep into the heart of every housewife out there, and see what's REALLY on their minds. Heheh, this is going to be good.


  1. Hey you. So, here's a good one. My husband comes home the other night and the poor guy looks exhausted. He's definitely got a black cloud over him and I'm thinking (as I'm in the kitchen, preparing the evening family meal--how housewifey is that) that wow, this must be really bad and maybe deserving of a little sympathy. So, I say "How was your day? You look like it was a rough one". He makes a pretty good show of dramatically taking off his tie as if it's been choking him all day, and says something along the lines of, and please remember that I'm paraphrasing here, "God, it was AWFUL. I had so many things I had to do today, but ALL DAY LONG people kept interrupting me, needing me to do SOMETHING for them, taking away from my own time, and driving me absolutely crazy with their complete inability to think for themselves....I didn't get a THING done." I stood there, and I really did feel bad for the guy, honest, but here's what came out of my mouth: "Huh Honey, you sound just like a Mom!". Talk about your conversation closers...

  2. ahh, well, not to worry. If Karma serves, he will come back in his next life as a woman....:)
