Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If women ruled the world....

If women ruled the world, tampons would be free. At least I like to think so. Maybe not diapers, but men would have to change more of them.
If women ruled the world, there would be dancing every day. Every PAC meeting would end with dancing. We would have dance breaks at work. I'm talking full body, let it all go, dancing with total abandonment dancing.
If women ruled the world, there would be no such thing as underwire bras. Muffin tops would be desirable, and stretch marks worthy of adulation.
If women ruled the world, rapists and child molesters would be dealt with swiftly and never heard from again.
If women ruled the world, there would be no such thing as supermodels. Just super role models. 
If women ruled the world, shopping would be a recognized Olympic sport.
If women ruled the world, being a housewife and/or mother would be among the most highly valued and revered jobs in society around the world. And it would pay well too.

I could go on. And on. What am I saying? That we don't rule the world? Hmmm. So if not, why not? What would it take to get there? Do we have to rule? Could we be happy being co-captains of the world, or at least our own worlds? Maybe that should be the ultimate goal for all of us. Being happy in your life, being proud of what you do, feeling valued for what you contribute. That would be a pretty perfect world.
Oh yeah, and don't forget the free tampons.


  1. Wow..........what a great resolution Lisa! I dont have a lot of time to sit and read your entire blog, but this one entry sure has impact! You have a wonderful way of words! Shall read more when I get the chance!

  2. Okay.............not sure how THAT happened, but, that comment was made for your other entry, about tossing all things BROKEN! This one is good too though. By the way........if you need free tampons, I have a huge box for you. Havent had Aunt Flo for a visit for just over a year now. WOO HOO!!!
